For over two decades, HighChi has been a leader in subtle energy science. Inspired by Ancient Sacred Geometry, Quantum Physics, and backed by years of solid scientific research and development, HighChi is infused with energetic intentions, encouraging the flow of Life Force, protecting and grounding the wearer​, thus​ providing Clarity, Balance and Success. Our beautifully crafted jewelry is a vehicle for energy that is designed to protect, up lift, and rejuvenate its wearer.  
HighChi - Quantum Energy Technology​​ 

More than 19 years of research and development have gone into making HighChi Jewelry into the ultimate synergy of protection and vitality. These beautiful pieces have been scientifically proven to encourage the flow of Chi, while protecting against the constant daily bombardment of EMF's, (Electro-Magnetic Fields) present in everything from cell phones to laptops. 

In 1798, fascinated by Ancient Egyptian Mysticism and its promise of eternal youth, Napoleon entered the Great Pyramids of Giza. While seeking conquest he happened upon a series of mysterious pendulums, energy devices and tools for measuring energy. In the 1940's, French scientists Leon de Chaumery and Antoine de Bellizal, pioneers of the physics of detection of qualitative effects on the human energy system, discovered that these instruments held a perfect matrix of universal energy – the 12 Higher Harmonics.

During the late 20th century, the famous Egyptologist Dr. Ibrahim Karim, perfectly replicated these instruments and their resonant frequencies or Higher Harmonics. This started a whole school of thought known as BioGeometry. In 2001 HighChi amplified these 12 Higher Harmonics, and through the use of quantum technology, developed a technique to imbue these same qualities in their jewelry and other energy and meditation systems. 

The 12 Higher Harmonics have a rich history associated with many cultures. The ancient Egyptians employed these higher harmonics in the Kings Chamber when initiating Pharaohs in sacred ceremonies. These same energies are also considered to be the “Sap” of the Tree of Life in Kabbalah teachings. The Ancient Chinese Geomancers of Feng Shui created these same energies for perfect alignment of body, mind, spirit and space.

Each piece in our collection is meticulously crafted and energized with the 12 Higher Harmonics, activating vitality and protecting the wearer against harmful frequencies generated by cell phones, computers, electrical appliances, and the negative energy of others.

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