Our Energy

“Everything is energy; that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” - Albert Einstein.
Ever since Einstein published his Theory of Relativity, the scientific world has joined the spiritual belief that we are all energy and everything in the universe is energy. Further, we are coming to understand that our intentions, thoughts, and feelings affect this essential energy as it manifests throughout our body, emotions, mind, and spirit.
Non-frequency Information
Throughout the ages, mankind has believed in the power of sacred sites and holy places, such as Lourdes, the Great Pyramid, where a high concentration of healing energy is believed to exist. (We call these locations power spots). People have, even to this day, traveled far, journeying on perilous pilgrimages to benefit from the healing energies of these places. Using ancient Egyptian and Quantum technologies in synergy with cymatic frequencies, which create Sacred Geometric patterns, HighChi has made this Divine power-spot energy available to you.
HighChi Energy™ is a proprietary formula that can be used to achieve deeper states of meditation and higher states of consciousness. After many years of research, we have developed HC3 Acupoint Energy, which we now use as our foundation energy.
What is HC3 Acupoint Energy?
The brilliant research of Dr. Ibrahim Karim of BioGeometry, provided us with the measuring devices so that we could measure and create our own balanced HC3 Energy. These measuring devices insured that we could test our energy so that it benefited the settle energy body. Nothing happens on the physical body unless it happens on the settle energy body first. Our HC3 Acupoint Energy harmonizes the power spot energy of the earth’s grids with the acupoint grids on the body, which are also power spots. HC3 is a synergy of the Higher Harmonic of Gold: the golden glow often seen around saints, angels, and other holy figures; Horizontal Negative Green: a Life Force healing energy and a direct carrying wave to the Divine; and Higher Harmonic of Ultraviolet for spiritual abundance and connection to our higher self and other higher dimensional beings. who are only here to be of service. These energies live outside of the restrictions of space and time and can have immense capacity to heal, protect, uplift, and amplify the nonphysical body.
How do we charge physical objects with HighChi Energy™?
We start by taking a digital photograph of the design or object in order to obtain a numeric sequence or ASKE code. We then feed this digital code into our computers which contain all of our energy formulations. Using scalar non-frequency information carrying-waves, we send our energy in the form of cymatic frequencies directly to the digital code of the design. Whatever is of the same digital sequence or ASKE code as the original design or object will automatically receive the energy via the scalar waves, no matter where or when in time.
Cymatic frequencies as visualised
Like all our proprietary energies, scalar waves operate outside time and space. Scalar affects the nonphysical plane, which then manifests itself in the physical realm.
This quality can also be understood in the relationship between the aura and the physical body; anything that happens to the Aura or nonphysical body must then happen to the physical. The Aura creates the physical body, not the other way around.