New Beginnings, New Opportunities is what this New Moon in Gemini is about.
This Tuesday, June16th, we celebrate the Energy of the New Moon in Gemini. As the name suggests, New Moons always present an auspicious time for new beginnings, or an opportunity to refresh various areas of one’s life. Perhaps a sibling you’ve been wanting to call, waiting for the perfect moment to reach out to, will finally get that call from you. A business venture, an idea you’ve wanted to float out to others but were too shy to speak of – but be aware – the close proximity of Mars and its inherent aggressive nature might cause you to speak too harshly in your passion. Temper it, and catch more flies with honey.

This New Moon is chatty, communication is highlighted, and that includes technology. A new computer, a new car, might be in the offing but again, temper it with some good old-fashioned pragmatism. Now is not the time for a big loan. Maybe better to think smaller, think precious. Think HighChi; a perfectly reasonable alternative to indulge that craving for shopping. With you in mind, HighChi once again pairs the perfect products for you.

Deborah has designed a special HighChi collection to help you focus to create
new beginnings and new opportunities.




New Moon in Gemini Power Piece

This is our New Moon in Gemini Power Piece Selection, just perfect for creating Opportunities and New Beginnings. When your amplifying positive feelings you can create anything you heart desires!

Sterling Silver 925 - Regularly $549, now $439
18K Gold Plated - Regularly $599, now $479

¾” HighChi Pendant
3 Carat Lemon Quartz
Wide Parisian Link


This is our New Moon in Gemini Creator - Silk Wrap Bracelet with
Peace - Bliss - Harmony Sterling Silver Chi Coins.

The Creator Silk Wrap Energy Bracelet is what you want for this New Moon in Gemini. It's about Creating and Focusing! It comes with Peace, Bliss and Harmony Sterling Silver Chi Coins and your choice of color Silk Wrap Bracelet.

All High Chi products have our foundational energies of the 12 Higher Harmonics and Grounding which Balance, Up Lift and Protect you from
EMF's, Cell Phone Radiation, and Negativity from others.

Regularly $69, now $59

This is a great duo for the Gemini New Moon

Management of Time -
This is a wonderful formulation for getting the most out of your time. Time is not just linear, our past present and future are also happening all at once. Time is  an illusion, so lets get the most out of our time, as we create it anyway. We simply have to "make" time.  Once we’ve mastered time, by speeding it up, or slowing it down, we are true magicians. 

Learn Fast Magic -
When you resonate at Learning Fast, you can expand your comprehension, focus, memory, courage, resilience and self confidence.It’s just so much fun when you are resonating at what you want to create!

How to use Chi Cubes

Video of ChiCubes

Regularly $100 for 2 cubes, now $75

Increased Memory 5D Sound CD
This 5D Sound CD is the perfect accompaniment to The New Moon in Gemini.

Stimulate left and right brain hemispheres to release the patterns that inhibit concentration and focus.
Let go of confusion, self doubt and fear. Increase visual processing skills and raise cognitive learning!

Regularly $12.99, now $9.99 for CD
Regularly $9.99, now $7.99 for Digital Download


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